Note, Google maps will not give accurate directions directly to the staging area at the BattleGrounds Airsoft field. The closest accurate directions will be at this GPS coordinates: 40.4917, -112.47279 which is located on South Mountain Road, Tooele Utah.
From this GPS point, you will turn right (south) on the dirt road for aprox .62 miles until you come to a cattle gate on the left with a road going east. (Please make sure to close the gate if you are the last one out.) From there you will follow the road to the east until you come to the end of the property (Twin power poles) which would be the Staging area for games.
Below is a link to google maps showing TAS SLC as the start point. Simply click on the link and change the start point to your location. Please reference the below image to further guide you!
here’s a link to the directions after the listed GPS coordinate is reached.
Best of luck and happy hunting!